Two wine grape farms were acquired in the first and the third quarter of 2016. In the same year 45 ha of the old vine farms were cleaned and prepared for table grape production. A sophisticated, fully netted table grape production system and modern irrigation infrastructure were established, and a water-holding basin with a capacity of 50 000 m³ was built. 27 ha of table grapes were planted in the same year.
Table grape production was expended by 11 ha. 10 additional ha were cleaned and prepared for butternut trial production. A modern packhouse and cooling facility was established on the farm, including a temporary packing line for processing the first commercial productions.
In January and February 2018 the first trial export of table grapes took place. In the autumn of 2018 a second dam with a capacity of 50 000 m³ was established. In august 2018, 3 additional ha of table grapes were planted. In the spring of 2018 also a commercial vegetable trial comprising an assortment of pumpkins, baby marrows and beans was planted on 24 ha and marketed in 2018/2019.
By February 2019, 125 000 kg of table grapes were exported. Until January 2019, 920 000 kg of the spring vegetable assortment were produced and sold to a local customer network. In August 2019, 21 ha of commercial spring vegetables were planted. About 550 000 kg of table grapes were harvested and exported from December 2019 – February 2020, which equals 60% of the full production volume. On investment side, the second phase of the packhouse development took place in 2019. The first part of the final packing line was established and cold stores were upgraded to make them suitable for higher volumes.
Dagbreek Farm
P.O. Box 50
Trawal 8147
South Africa